IELTS Speaking Lesson about Singing

IELTS Speaking Lesson about Singing

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In this free IELTS Speaking lesson on the topic of Singing, you will learn how to talk about different styles of music and singing habits.

Table of Contents

Singing is a subtopic within the wider topic of music. In IELTS Speaking you may be asked about your taste in music, bands or singers that you like as well as your own ability in singing.

In this lesson, we will focus on singing.

  • To sing (v.) 

The verb is conjugated as below

Sing, sang, sung

  • a song (n.) 
  • a tune (n.)

I sang last week

I’ve sung in Spanish 

  • A catchy song = easy to remember

I have that song stuck in my head

I can’t get it out of my head 

  • To sing + adverb 

To sing beautifully / like an angel / sweetly / badly / terribly 

  • A melody = the tune, not the words

I like to hum melodies 

  • An upbeat (=lively) / catchy melody 
  • The lyrics (plr.) = the words of a song
IELTS Topic sing along with music

More useful expressions about singing that you can use in IELTS Speaking. 

  • To sing in tune = to sing well (the right notes)
  • To sing out of tune = to sing the wrong notes
  • To hold a tune = to sing well
  • to be tone deaf = can’t sing at all, can’t hit the right notes
  • To have a good / bad sense of rhythm = able to follow the beat in music

I can’t hold a tune to save my life 

I’ve got no sense of rhythm when it comes to singing

I really can’t sing, I’m tone deaf 

I’d love to be a singer-songwriter 

I like to sing along with music

IELTS Speaking topic: Styles of music

Listen to these music clips

Guess the style/genre of music!

  1. _____
  2. _____
  3. _____
  4. _____
  5. _____

Click arrow to open/close answers

  1. Hip hop 
  2. Country / folk /bluegrass /
  3. Irish 
  4. Jazz 
  5. Pop 
  6. Reggae

Other genres of music you might sing may include:

  • Gospel 
  • Rock 
  • Classical 
  • A cappella (several voices only – no instruments) 
  • Acoustic = unplugged (no electricity) 
  • Soul 
  • Disco
  • Punk 
  • Alternative (not popular or mainstream)
IELTS Topic music style

IELTS Speaking topic: Singing habits

Here are some ideas about how and where you may sing, basically these are your singing habits.

I sing in the shower

I sing Christmas carols now and again 

I regularly sing in a choir (=a group of singers)

I like to sing hymns (silent ’n’)  at church 

I enjoy going down to the Karaoke bar 

I hum tunes whilst working / while driving 

Sometimes I serenade (=to court someone with a song) my girlfriend with a song 

When singing, I only join in the chorus, I don’t know any verses 

IELTS Speaking idioms about singing

To belt out a tune = to sing a tune with vigour / loudly 

Jack is a great singer, he can really belt out a tune

Can’t do something for peanuts = I can’t do it at all

I can’t sing for peanuts = I can’t sing at all

It runs in the family = Everyone in the family is good at it.

I love singing, it runs in the family 

To carry a tune = to sing well 

Don’t ask me to sing, I really can’t carry a tune

 To change your tune = to change your idea/mind

Why are you watching Netflix, I thought you didn’t like TV, it seems you’ve changed your tune 

It’s music to my ears = I’m pleased to hear that

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8 thoughts on “IELTS Speaking Lesson about Singing”

  1. I 💕 the presentation they are both rich in language. I’m putting effort to catching up so that I register for my exam before the close of the year.God willing.
    Thank you Keith for always being there for us.

  2. I really like your live lessons and your videos about how to develop IELTS speaking skills. They always have something news for us to learn from.

  3. I like your lesson about singing sir
    I’m every day watching your video on YouTube
    Thank you sir your video so helpful can improve my English be better

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