IELTS Book: Listening and Reading Materials Download

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  • File Size 135.18 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date November 25, 2020
  • Last Updated December 26, 2024

35 thoughts on “IELTS Book: Listening and Reading Materials Download”

  1. thank you very much .Sir .. your videos are so helpful .. god bless you .. have a wonderful life .

      1. Yuh Nabi.
        Hi Keith, I dearly wish to appreciate your online YouTube lessons. Thanks for helping people out hear like us.

  2. Teacher Keith,
    Our beloved teacher. I take the opportunity to thank you for everything you offer us in the weekly live session. I took my IELTS exam 6 months ago and I got a 7 in speaking, it wouldn’t have been achieved without your help and videos. I will be taking IELTS exam again after 2 months for enhancing my writing band score. Keith sir, You are “THE BEST TEACHER EVER”. God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Ashraf, it is very motivating for me to know my lessons are helping you. Good luck with the next test!

  3. Hi Sir, I hope you are doing well!
    Well I want to say you a Big Big Thank You for your brilliant ideas that has really helped me in taking the speaking test yesterday. You are super energetic while teaching which encourages us to learn. My exam went well! I’m waiting for my scores and will update you once i get it. God bless u with good health and good life.
    Keep it up!

  4. Hy keith sir,,I’m from india and I can’t buy online classes,moreover I have no any friend,,so I can’t my speaking practice anyone,,plz help me for genral question…

        1. Dear Keith Sir,
          I was trying to download “IELTS: Listening and Reading Materials”. But I couldn’t able to get it. Could you email me it and give me the opportunity to develop my language level.

      1. Hi Keith ,I m not able to practice my speaking practice.and I m not able to pay for online classes.can u help me regarding this issue plzz.

    1. Not sure why Asfana, trying a different browser sometimes works. In any case, I have just emailed you the book, to make sure you get it.

    1. Yes, and of course, you can select the parts you find the most interesting and useful for you. Enjoy your study!

          1. hi, sir, I want to read the lesson work. life balance but it is not available and notes of lesson teamwork are not here on your website ….plz help me out my exam is stand out on my head😐

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