IELTS Speaking Lesson about AMBITION

IELTS Speaking Lesson about Ambition

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A challenging topic is ambition in IELTS Speaking. You need to be able to talk about goals, ambitions, and what success means to you.

So to help you with all of that, in this IELTS Speaking lesson on the topic of AMBITION, you will learn how to talk about your own ambitions and whether ambition is a good or bad thing!

Table of Contents

IELTS vocabulary: Topic of ambition

Here is some useful vocabulary, including word families and collocations to talk about ambitions in IELTS Speaking.

Ambition (n.) uncountable 

I have so much ambition

Ambition (n.) countable

I have many different ambitions

I am ambitious (adj.)

What is ambition? = a desire to do well, to achieve a goal, and to succeed

I have an aspiration to make a lot of money

  • Intention 
  • Goal 
  • Plan 

How can we express our ambitions? Here are a variety of ways to do it.

  • I want to + verb 
  • I want to be rich
  • I have the ambition to improve my English skills
  • I long to travel around the world (=really want it)
  • I strive to be fluent in English (=try very hard)
  • I dream of being rich 
  • I dream about having a big house
  • I am ambitious to pass my exam with flying colors (=do very well)

Ambition can be long term, for example, 

He is ambitious at work, he wants to climb the corporate ladder and become the CEO 

Ambition can be short term, for example,

She is quite ambitious, she wants to invite 500 guests to her wedding 

Author: I want to sell 1,000,000 copies of my new book!

Friend: That’s very ambitious, do you think you can do it?

Common Collocations

  • Personal ambition (run a marathon, have a big family, lose weight, visit Paris…)
  • Professional ambition (get a Ph.D., get a promotion, publish a book, speak at a conference…)
  • Lifelong ambition  
  • It’s a lifelong ambition of mine to _______
  • Having a healthy ambition can lead to success
  • I have a burning ambition to become a doctor
  • She is a person of driving ambition 
  • You lack ambition 

What ambitions do you have?

This is a typical job interview question.

If you get this kind of question in a job interview, you want to sound enthusiastic but not arrogant. So a short answer like this is not so good.

I want to be successful!! ☹️

You should be more specific (whether you are in a job interview or the IELTS speaking interview)

I want to do my job well, and one day gets promoted because I think I have a lot to contribute, such as my ideas for teaching students in different ways.  😁

This is much better. Particularly for IELTS Speaking, notice the idea of giving these three points:

  1. Idea 
  2. Reason 
  3. Example
IELTS Speaking Ambition

Idioms to talk about ambitions

Here are some useful idioms you can use to talk about ambitions in IELTS Speaking.

  • Dig in your heels to be persistent
  • I am going to publish my book, even though my friends say it’s just a dream, I am going to dig in my heels
  • I will never throw in the towel = give up, stop 
  • You need to stick at it = to continue, persevere 
  • Carry on at all costs = come rain or shine (even though it is difficult)
  • I have got a bee in my bonnet about writing a book =something you really want to do
  • Publishing a book is beyond my wildest dreams = something so great, I can hardly imagine it
  • I was losing the game, but I managed to claw my way back and win make a comeback, to be successful after a failure 
  • I’ll have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal = do everything possible 
  • I reached my goal but it was blood, sweat, and tears all the way =very hard work
  • I had to fight tooth and nails to reach my goal fight and struggle hard
  • I’m willing to go the extra mile to reach my goal = to do some extra work
  • I will keep my nose to the grindstone = continue working hard

IELTS Speaking topic: Ambition, is it good or bad?


  • It’s beneficial to have a competitive spirit and to strive for success
  • It helps you keep on track with your goals
  • It’s good as long as you don’t hurt others or stamp on others 


  • If it can be bad if you see things as a zero-sum game (=a win-lose situation), 
  • and if your success is at the expense of others (=other must lose, so you can win)
  • So long as it is not at the cost of others
  • If you have an arrogant ambition it can get in your way, and make you lose time

Student's questions about ambition

Keith, what are your ambitions in life?

I wouldn’t say I am a particularly ambitious person, but yes, I do have some ambitions, particularly, professional ambitionsI do dream about writing a book and publishing a book and so right now I am actually going to great lengths to write the script and start editing this idea I have for a book, and, yes, that’s an ambition that I have.

Keith, have you ever achieved your ambitions?

That is a very good question. I think I have had several ambitions in my life, and to be honest, I haven’t achieved all of them. One of them that I have not achieved is to be a kind of a famous guitar player. When I was in my 20s, I used to play guitar in a rock band and I used to dream of being a famous rock star, and playing the guitar in big concerts and whilst I was happily playing the guitar in the band, I never really achieved that level or status of being a world-renowned musician, but I have achieved my goal of building, you know, a happy family. That was a personal goal that I wanted to, always, I wanted to achieve. I do feel that I have reached that. It’s been blood, sweat, and tears sometimes because obviously, families have disagreements but I think we are getting there, we have gotten there. 

So, that’s the ambition I feel I have reached

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There are more lessons you can follow in the links below too.

ADVICE in IELTS Speaking. Learn to talk about giving, getting and following advice.

COMPUTERS in IELTS Speaking. Describe the uses and challenges of computers using powerful vocabulary and idioms.

JOBS in IELTS Speaking. Vocabulary you need to answer questions in Part 1, 2 and 3 for the topic of jobs.

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34 thoughts on “IELTS Speaking Lesson about AMBITION”

  1. Thanks, dear Keith.
    Sad to say, right now, we don’t have access to your videos on youtube because most of the websites and apps are banned in Iran. But thanks for your brilliant videos. I used to watch them a lot, and they helped me to improve my English language.
    Many thanks

    1. Thank you teacher, but Sad to say, right now, we don’t have access to your videos on youtube because most of the websites and apps are banned in Iran.

  2. Dear Sir Keith,
    Please accept my immense respect and best wishes!!!
    The way you’ve dig in your heels to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words.
    I can’t thank you enough to be extremely motivational and a true driving source of energy in pushing us to a competitive and proficient level.👍👍.
    On top of that ,the way you’ve drilled IDIOMS and phrasal verbs into our mind is out of this world.👍👍👍👍👍
    SALUTE to the Best ,Wonderful, and Second to none teacher, KEITH.😊😊😊

  3. Thank you so much for your excellent lectures. I’m trying to get band 7 in the IELTS test and your lessons are really useful for me!

  4. Hi Keith,

    Will you be able to add this topic in your Udemy course for speaking? I hope you can provide model answers for part 2 and part 3 related to this topic.

    All the best!


    1. Hi Keith, I am really pleased to follow your online YouTube sessions, you do a great job. I would like to check if it is possible to schedule sessions online with for IELTS preparation exam. I tried to purshase your course but unfortunately it doesn’t work for me.
      Appreciate your feedback.
      Thanks a lot

      1. Hi keith.i m follow your online vedio do exclusive job.
        Also I hope to doing IELTS exam. Actually,i willing to join your to join with class.please can you get more details.

  5. Hi Keith!!! I really like these practice speaking exams, I’d just like to suggest if ever make each answering gap a little bit longer, perhaps atleast add 5 to 10 secs more, that’s just my two cents. Anyway thank you very much and keep on rockin’ 👌💯

    1. Thanks for the comment and suggestion – At times, I want to create the feeling of being cut off which often happens in the real test, but I like your idea, and that is something I have noted.😁

  6. Dear Keith – Have you ever considered doing ‘Theatres’? After watching the Mock Test video on this page, I wonder how come you are not into ‘Acting’! Amzing facial expressions and body language! I am your fan already 🙂

      1. That explains 🙂 Thank you for the great job of teaching spoken English to students across the globe. Your videos are very addictive!

  7. Vou have opened my eyes with your lessons and i am so glad, that i have found firstly your page on YouTube and then this website! Thank you for helpful tips and advice! There are a lot of things i didn’t understand before i saw some of your videos!! Thank very much again!!

  8. I’m so happy with your teaching lessons because you explain everything clearly I hope you have lesson every day on YouTube.

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