10 Most Common Mistakes

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  • File Size 504.49 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date October 3, 2020
  • Last Updated October 3, 2020

15 thoughts on “10 Most Common Mistakes”

  1. Nasser Abou Saada

    Hello, my name is Nasser Abou Saada. A teacher of English. My wife and I have a centre for teaching the English language. We hold IELTS preparation courses in Soweida, Syria. Your you tube videos are really useful, we’re very pleased.

  2. The downloads all seem to be working. I suggest you try using a different browser to download, or even a different device, and see if that helps.

  3. Dear Kieth, greetings from Novosibirsk, Siberia! I am with YMCA Novosibirsk and am an English Chair( ESL is my specialty); preparing students for Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL and SAT.
    I am pleased that I ran into your youtube appeals, joined your webpage and,please, share with me your FB “online sessions”.
    Thank you.
    Edward Shornik

    1. Pleased to see you learning with me Edward. You can access the live lessons on FB by going directly to the FB page @keithspeakingacademy. They are all there.

    1. Hi Alina, I have reviewed the page and it should be working. That is the only method I have at the moment. Listen, don’t worry, I am just happy that you are learning with me and that is enough thanks!

      1. Keith, it does work in the beginning. But then, after I fill the details (name, email etc) and press “donate now”, I am sent to a blank page with no further information (like credit card details).

  4. I’d like to make a little donation … together with my thanks for your very useful lessons I recently discovered on you tube but the link for doing that suddenly disappeared.
    I’m not interested in IELTS exam courses but I am simply studying and learning English for myself as my own passion.
    Normally I watch your videos late at night so I’m not able to join in your lessons on line but even that way your engaging lessons are worth staying awake till dawn.
    Good job Keith… keep on teaching like this
    Claudio Nieddu
    Cagliari. Italy

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