IELTS Speaking Lesson about Movies

IELTS Speaking Lesson about Movies

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IELTS Speaking: Types / genre of movies

If you want to talk confidently about movies in the IELTS Speaking test, you will need to know different types of films, be able to describe, the setting, characters, plot and even soundtrack. 

Let’s look first at different genres and how to say which one we like.

Movies (U.S.) (go to the movies / watch movies)

Films (G.B.) (go to the cinema/watch films)

When talking about a film we often use the noun in the plural

I like _____ 

  • Comedies (funny, hilarious, humorous)
  • Thrillers (exciting, full of suspense)
  • Dramas 
  • Period Dramas (e.g. Pride and Prejudice)
  • Mysteries (intriguing, exciting) 
  • Romances (endearing, full of emotion, soppy = too soft and romantic, cheesy = low quality or stereotypical, cliché = unoriginal or overused)
  • Romcoms (romantic comedies)

We can also use adjectives (these need to be followed by ‘film’ or ‘movie’)

I like romantic films

I love horror films 

  • Sci Fi films
  • Adventure movies 
  • Historical films
    Fantasy films 
  • Crime movies 

Here are some other ways of saying you like something.

  • I am big on _____
  • I am keen on ____
  • I am a big fan of ____
  • I am fond of _____
  • I am really into _____ 
  • I’m partial to _____
  • I’m a die hard fan of_____

More information about different film genres.

IELTS Speaking watching movies

IELTS Speaking tip: Learn to paraphrase

It’s important to be able to paraphrase (= to say something in a different way) in IELTS Speaking. 

Don’t worry if you don’t know the name of the film in English, or you can’t remember the actor’s name – just find a way to explain your idea.

Here are some useful expressions you can use to paraphrase in this case.

I don’t know the name in English, but in Spanish it is_____

If I am not mistaken, it’s called _____

If my memory serves me right, I think in English it’s called ____ or something like that.

If I remember correctly, I think in English it’s called ____ or something like that.

I can’t quite remember the actor’s name but he was great…

It’s on the tip of my tongue

  • To be on the tip of your tongue = something you almost remember, but cannot speak out.

IELTS Speaking vocabulary: Talking about movies

1. The Setting 

The setting is where and when the film happens. Here are the most common ways of expressing this.

It’s set in space

It’s set in the 15th century 

It’s set during the first world war

To be set = to take place

2. The Characters 

The main character is a the most important person in the film.

“The main character is a boy who was bit by a spider”

  • A protagonist (hero/heroine of the story) 
  • An antihero/antiheroine – a main character who does not have the expected qualities of a hero such as brave, strong and beautiful.
  • An antagonist (villain) – baddie, the bad person 

3. The Soundtrack 

Some good adjectives to describe the soundtrack include the following  

  • engaging, catchy 
  • enchanting
  • impressive
  • upbeat, lively 

4. The Plot

Plot (n.) = storyline 

Here are some good adjectives and phrases to describe the plot of a movie.

  • fast-paced
  • intricate, complex, 

It has a plot with twists and turns 

  • over-complicated (too much, negative)
  • intriguing (makes you curious)
  • full of suspense, 

It keeps you on your toes

  • It has a twist at the end = an unexpected ending 

It has amazing stunts 

I love the frantic car chases 

5. Film popularity 

We can use the following phrases to say whether a film has been successful or not. 

  • An award-winning film (e.g. ‘Parasite’ from Korea)
  • It’s a blockbuster = very successful
  • It’s a box-office hit = made a lot of money
  • It was a flop = unsuccessful
  • The movie flopped = it was unsuccessful

More useful vocabulary to talk about movies

talking about movies

IELTS Speaking: Making recommendations

Here are some common ways you can make a recommendation in English.

  • You should watch Spiderman
  • If I were you, I would watch Spiderman
  • I recommend you watch Spiderman 
  • I suggest you watch Spiderman 
  • I recommend watching Superman 
  • I suggest watching Superman
  • It’s worth watching 
  • It’s well worth watching 

NOTICE: You’d better watch Superman  

😲…this is not a recommendation, it is an order or a threat. 

If you don’t do it, something bad will happen! 

IELTS Speaking: Idioms to talk about movies

  • A film buff = a fan of films 

I am a real film buff

  • The big screen = the screen at the cinema 

I like to see films on the big screen, rather than on my laptop

  • To be on the edge of your seat = to be excited and really engaged in something 

I was on the edge of my seat watching this film 

  • A cliffhanger = an ending with suspense 

The movie had a great cliffhanger, so now I am waiting for the sequel 

  • Nail-biting (adj.)  = very exciting 

The film ‘A Quiet Place’ was a nail-biting thriller.

Pronunciation Files For Vocabulary From My Best Live Lessons

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There are more lessons you can follow in the links below too.

FAMOUS PEOPLE in IELTS Speaking. Idioms and vocabulary to learn how to talk about famous people.

HOLIDAYS in IELTS Speaking. Discover the 10 things the British do on holiday and learn the useful vocabulary and idioms to talk about it.

FOOD in IELTS Speaking. Vocabulary and collocations to talk about food, healthy food and cooking.

4 thoughts on “IELTS Speaking Lesson about Movies”

  1. You are awsome Dear Keith. Its been so long that ive known you, in 2020 i passed my speaking exam with 8 and it was all because of glad to find you and study with you

  2. I am very happy that I have found your lessons on Youtube. You are the best teacher. I admire your work and wish you Sir all the best. Thank you Sir!!!

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