IELTS Speaking Lesson about Sport

IELTS Speaking Lesson about Sports

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Sport is a very common topic IELTS Speaking. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about what sport do you do or what sport would like to try in the future.

Table of Contents

IELTS vocabulary: Sport

If we want to talk about a sport like running, there are different ways we can talk about it.  

He is running now

He likes to go running 

He is going for a run 

He enjoys jogging (light-paced running)

He runs quickly  

When it comes to sport, there are three main verbs we use to describe different sports: 

  1. GO
  2. DO 
  3. PLAY

There is no fixed rule about which ones we use for different sports, but here are some guidelines below. 



(often used for individual sports emphasizing that you ‘go’ somewhere to practice it).  

Go running, jogging, climbing, cycling, skating, skiing, swimming  

Go for a run, jog, climb, cycle, skate, swim   

I usually go for a run in the morning

I have never been skating



(usually used for individual sports without a ball)   

Do yoga, karate, judo, pilates, aerobics, tai chi, athletics, weights, weight-lifting, boxing, arm-wrestling 

Do extreme sports like white-water rafting/ rock climbing

She is doing yoga  

She is practicing yoga/pilates  

She likes to do yoga  


(usually used for sports with a ball or similar and have some element of competition)  

Play football, cricket, golf, tennis, baseball, basketball,  

They are playing football  

They like to play football

IELTS Speaking Sport Yoga

How can I learn vocabulary for IELTS Speaking?

There are three essential things you should do when learning vocabulary for IELTS Speaking;

1) Practice collocations (=words that commonly go together)

For example, we say,  

She does yoga (not ‘play yoga’)

2) Practice chunks (= short phrases)   

I like to do yoga  

3) Practice juggling (=saying the chunk in different tenses)  

I do yoga most days  

Tomorrow I will do some yoga

This morning I just did some yoga

Idiomatic expressions for sport:

To acquire quite a taste for snowboarding (=begin to enjoy)

To get the hang of it (= finally be able to do)

To take up the challenge (=to accept a challenge)

To push myself to the limits (=make a considerable effort)

To have a whale of a time (=have a fantastic time)

To jump at the chance (=really want to do something)

To summon up the energy (=make an effort to do something)

To keep in shape (=to stay fit and healthy)

Doing sports

Notice ‘sport’ can be countable  

To be honest, I don’t do too much sport these days.   

I play lots of different sports   

But ‘sport’ can be uncountable if it is more abstract and referring to sport in general. 

I don’t do too much sport these days.  

You could also answer this question with the following language,

I enjoy strolling  on the beach, and occasionally I even break into a jog.   

To stroll = to walk in a relaxed way

To break into a jog = to start jogging 

To break into a sweat = to start sweating  

Oh yeah,  I also do yoga now and again.   

Now and again = sometimes, now and then, from time to time  

When I was younger though I used to go swimming on a regular basis   

Though = but, however (very natural to use it here). Instead of saying ‘however, when I was younger…’ try saying, ‘when I was younger though…)  

I usually squeezed it in at lunchtime.   

Squeeze in an activity = find time to do it 

Collocations with ‘sport’

  • It’s a spectator sport (=I watch it) 
  • It’s a competitive sport  
  • It’s a contact sport (=close contact and possible injury)   

Other collocations….   

It’s a /an ______ sport  

water, field, indoor, outdoor, extreme

Trying a new sport

This could be an IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question. In part 2 you not only need language, but also an idea to talk about. Here are both language and ideas for this Part 2 questions about Sport in IELTS Speaking.

  • I’d like to have a go at ________ 
  • I’d like to try my hand at _______ 
  • I’d love to give ____ a go 
  • I’d like to take up _________  

Some unusual sports you might like to try    

  • Riding a penny farthing  
  • Surfing  
  • Quidditch  
  • Underwater hockey 
  • 360 ball 

Check out some more in the video below!

Pronunciation Files For Vocabulary From My Best Live Lessons

Use Words EASILY in English Conversations!

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