IELTS Speaking Lesson about Free Time
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IELTS Speaking vocabulary: Free time
Fill in the gap with one or two words
- Whenever I have __________ time, I like to go for a stroll in the park
- My favourite hobby is __________ music.
See answers
- Whenever I have free / spare / leisure /got / down / some me / enough time, I like to go for a stroll in the park
- My favourite hobby is listening to / enjoying / exploring / diving into /making / playing / classical / pop / folk / sharing music.
Vocabulary to develop your answers
- Whenever I have ____
- If I find myself with _____
Whenever I have free time
If I find myself with free time
Synonyms of ‘free time’
- Free time
- Leisure time
- Spare time
- Time to kill
- Time on my hands
- Downtime
I am at a loose end = I have nothing special to do
What are your hobbies/pastimes?
You can answer this question in many ways, for example,
- Noun (gerund as a noun)
Reading, riding a bike, cooking….
- I like + noun (gerund as a noun)
I like reading
I like cooking
- I’m into + noun (gerund)
- I’m fond of + noun (gerund)
- I’m keen on + noun (gerund)
- I’m obsessed with + noun (gerund)
I’m into cooking
I’m fond of sleeping in
I’m keen on studying English
I’m obsessed with listening to Kpop
- I like to dabble in / with = take a not too serious interest in something (for a short time)
I dabbled in acting when I was at university
I sometimes dabble with new recipes

Remember to use adverbs
- Really / quite
I’m really into painting
I am quite fond of listening to music
Saying why you like a particular hobby
- It helps me ______
- It’s a great way to ______
unwind, relax, disconnect, kick back (verbs)
- I find it ________
therapeutic, relaxing, rewarding, satisfying (adjectives)
I like watching British films, it helps me to unwind and it’s a great way to learn English too.
If you don’t like an activity
Gardening isn’t my thing
Gardening isn’t really for me
If you don’t have any hobbies
I don’t have any hobbies as such, I struggle to find time, I am always swamped with work!
- To be swamped with work = to have too much work
'Like to do’ or ‘like doing?’
- Whenever I have free time, I like to listen to music
- Whenever I have free time, I like listening to music
Both are correct, but the meaning is slightly different
- A choice / a habit = I like to do
I like to get up at 6am on Fridays to go to the gym
I like to listen to music when I am at a loose end
- Emphasise enjoyment = I like doing
I like getting up at 6 am because the sunrise is beautiful
I like listening to music when I am at a loose end
IELTS Speaking: Popular hobbies
Which hobbies are these? (all popular in the UK)

See answers
- Gardening
- Doing puzzles, opening time with family and friends
- Fishing
- Photography, train spotting, traveling
The most popular hobbies in the UK
- Reading
- Cooking and Baking
- Travelling
- Socialising
- Pets
- Playing Video games
- Gardening
- DIY (Do it yourself….e.g. doing renovations at home)
- Doing sport
- Watching films
- Running
- Fishing
- Photography
- Painting
IELTS Speaking discussion
How have hobbies changed over the years?
In the past, we used to ____
Previously, we would ____
Back in the day, we often _____+ simple past
- play outside
- go rambling, go hiking, go trekking
- get some fresh air
- explore nature
In the past, we used to play outside
Previously, we would play outside
Back in the day, we often played outside past
Nowadays, we tend to _________
These days, we typically _________
- be glued to our screens
- spend a lot of time indoors
Nowadays, we tend be glued to our screens
These days, we typically spend more time indoors
In the future, we will _____
In the future, we might _____
- All hobbies will be virtual
- We will be glued to our screens, even more than now
- There will be creative hobbies like blogging
- We might use augmented and virtual reality to travel virtually

IELTS Speaking model answer
An activity I enjoyed in my free time when I was young
- Listen and watch. What activity did I enjoy?
- Listen again and note any useful vocabulary (collocations or idioms)
See answers
- Listen and watch. What activity did I enjoy?
Playing the guitar
Useful phrases and idioms
- Well, this is a tricky one (=a difficult question) because as a kid, as far as I remember (=if I remember correctly), we had so much free time and I did so many activities,
- whether it was playing footie (= football) or playing tig (= a child’s game) in the park lots of outdoor activities.
- It’s difficult to choose.
- But the one activity I’d like to tell you about is one that I grew to love as a teen, and it is playing the guitar.
- So I took it up (= began a hobby) when I was about 15 years old. And I remember I took it up after listening to a famous guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, who has since passed away (= died).
- And I was smitten (= to be in love). I loved it. I knew I wanted to play like him.
- I think at that time I wasn’t really one for (= I wasn’t a fan of) hobbies.
- My parents were always going on at (=to nag, to tell someone to do something they don’t want to do) me to pursue a hobby.
- They said it would look good on my CV and when applying for a job.
- So in the end, I took heed (= to listen and follow advice) and I decided to take up the guitar. I got into it big time. (=I did it a lot)
- I would while away (= to spend time do something) the hours practising, practising my scales, playing by ear (= to improvise) picking up (=to learn informally) tunes as I went along.
- It was great.
- I think for me it was a great way to disconnect from study.
- In fact, so much so that I remember my parents were quite on edge (=worried or nervous), worried that it was interfering with my studies.
- So we had to agree a fixed time for playing the guitar and a fixed time for study so I could only play in my scheduled downtime (= planned free time)
- Talking about the impact on my life. I think it’s been very beneficial for my life.
- I joined a band at university, and it was a great way to socialise and meet other friends.
- And for me, music has always kind of been a major part of my life since then and up until today.

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