If you want to produce great ideas quickly when you are in the IELTS speaking test, then you need to develop the skill of Responding!
What is 'Responding'?
To speak English fluently, of course, we need to know words and be able to produce them, in the right order, with the right pronunciation.
But we need more than that.
In the IELTS speaking test, we need to respond quickly to the examiner’s question.
A question they have just asked.
Right now!
We need to think quickly, and decide what we are going to say.
We need not only the words, but also the ideas.
This is responding!
Put simply it is…
- hearing a question,
- quickly getting ideas,
- then speaking those ideas out confidently!
So when preparing for IELTS speaking, yes we need to prepare lots of ideas in advance.
However, we also need to practice recalling those ideas.
And practice thinking on the spot.
The more we practice this, the better we will be at it.
How to Practice Responding
There are 2 simple ways to practice responding.
- With a speaking partner or teacher.
- The speaking partner prepares 10 IELTS speaking questions.
- You do not see them.
- They ask you a question.
- You answer.
- Repeat quickly and without stopping for all questions.
- On your own
- Go to My Youtube channel (or click on video below)
- Choose a topic from the RESPONDING Playlist (or click on video below)
- Play the recording in shuffle mode,
(so you don’t know which question is coming)
- Speak out your answers (30 seconds for part 1 questions and 4 seconds for part 3 questions)
- Repeat.
Don’t just practice speaking, practice responding, and you will see your confidence soar in the IELTS speaking test.
12 thoughts on “How to Develop Ideas Quickly in the IELTS Speaking Test.”
Dear Teacher,
Your tips are so useful. Thank you so much
My pleasure, glad you like them
I love you, Keith!
Thanks 😊
Hi there Keith, I trust you are well and healthy in these tricky and challenging times. My name’s Jane, I recently have finished my Masters of Social Work in Griffith University in Australia.
I took the Academic IELTS Test last 18/06/2020 and I was extremely surprised when I got 8.0 in speaking. Weeks prior my test day, I did listen and watch your online lessons in Youtube religiously and they were really very helpful. It helped me with build up my confidence and I’ve learned a great wealth of ideas to respond to the questions.
I also enjoy your way of teaching your students as you incorporate humor and great practicality. Thank you very much and I commend you for being an amazing teacher. All the best and I will surely recommend your channel to my friends who will also take IELTS soon. God bless you! 🙂
With warm and kindest regards,
Hi Jane, thanks for getting in touch and congratulations!
I am really pleased that I was able to help you prepare.
That would be great if you can let other students know about my work.
Thanks and best wishes for the future!
Hi there Keith, I trust you are well and healthy in these tricky and challenging times. My name’s Jane, I recently have finished my Masters of Social Work in Griffith University in Australia.
I took the Academic IELTS Test last 18/06/2020 and I was extremely surprised when I got 8.0 in speaking. Weeks prior my test day, I did listen and watch your online lessons in Youtube religiously and they were really very helpful. It helped me with build up my confidence and I’ve learned a great wealth of ideas to respond to the questions.
I also enjoy your way of teaching your students as you incorporate humor and great practicality. Thank you very much and I commend you for being an amazing teacher. All the best and I will surely recommend your channel to my friends who will also take IELTS soon. God bless you! 🙂
With warm and kindest regards,
Thank you so much Jane and glad I could help!
dear Keith,
I am following all your lessons but till now I cannot improve my fluency
I find it very difficult when I am talking, I can’t keep talking for more than 1 minutes, I hesitate, I pause too much, even in front of a mirror
how can I overcome this problem, please?
Mina – this might either be a confidence thing, a cognitive thing (your brain processing language) or a physical thing (you struggle to pronounce longer strings of sounds). For confidence, you need to practice more, and when possible with other people. Fluency takes a long time to build – be patient. If it is physical, you can try the Fluency Gym; we do this at the end of each live lesson (on Facebook and Youtube). Come and join us for free and have a go!
You are excellent Kieth. Your email was very helpful to improve my ielts speaking. Thank you so much
Thank you so much _ I am glad I can help you.