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How to Start Speaking in IELTS Part 2

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Many students find it difficult to start speaking in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test. You are given just one minute to prepare a talk on a topic and then you have to speak for 1 to 2 minutes.

That’s probably difficult even in your own mother tongue.

What do you talk about? How do you start? How do you keep going for 2 minutes?

Don’t worry, in this lesson, I will give you some ideas, phrases and strategies to help you navigate IELTS Speaking Part 2, so you can show your real English level and shine.

Your 1-minute preparation

The examiner will give you a topic on a cue card.

Look at the question carefully and make sure you are clear about the topic, as well as the tense (is it about the past, present or future?).

Look at the bullet points, as these can be useful to help structure your talk, although you don’t have to follow them, if you don’t want to.

Decide what you are going to talk about quickly. You don’t need a perfect answer or example, just one that is good enough.

Then prepare your first line. Having your first sentence ready will help you to start speaking more confidently when you begin.

How to start your part 2 answers

To prepare this PDF and video, I went back and watched all the Part 2 model answers I have made for my GOLD course and Gold live lessons, to identify the most common patterns and phrases.

Here below, are the most common phrases and techniques I use.

In addition to these, I sometimes also just start talking without any of these and go with the flow. That also works.



Answer the question directly in the first sentence to the examiner knows exactly what you are going to talk about 


Try and talk for at least 2 minutes. Then let the examiner interrupt you.

Common Part 2 Questions

  • Describe a place that ____
  • Describe a thing that ____
  • Describe a person who ____


  • A place could be a city / building / country
  • A thing could be a book / film / photo
  • A person could be a teacher / colleague / famous person

My favourite opening lines are

The _____ I’d like to talk about is ____

The _____ I’d like to tell you about is ____

The _____ I’d like to describe is ____

I like these as they show you can use emphasis in English

You can also be more direct as follows,

I’d like to talk about

I’m going to tell you about

Let me tell you about

You can make your first line more interesting by saying,

The _____ I’d like to talk about is none other than _____

none other than’ is used to reveal the surprising identity of someone or something

  • Describe a time that ____

An event could be a wedding, a party, a trip

  • Describe a time when you got lost.

With events, you can use the previous examples above, like…

Let me tell you about a trip I took to Japan

However, my most common answer is setting the scene with one of the phrases below,

I remember once when I was living in France

I recall once when I was living in France

There was this one time when I was living in France

ielts part 2


If you have no experience of the topic you have to talk about

  • Make it up
  • Talk about someone who has had that experience
  • Talk about what you think it would be like to do that


Answer using the same verbs and tense as the question.

This technique of repeating the same verbs and tense as the question, can be used for many questions, but it works well for an activity or a thing. See some examples below.

Describe a ____ that you _____

  • Describe a water sport you would like to do
  • Describe a skill you learnt as a child
  • Describe a film you have watched recently 
  • Describe a book you would recommend

Well, a _____ I _____ is _______

Well, a water sport I would like to do is surfing

Well a skill I learnt as a child was painting

Well, a film I have watched recently is ‘Mission Impossible 4’

Well, a book I would recommend is called ‘Klara and the Sun’


Set the scene

Alternatively, you can introduce the answer by setting the scene as follows,

A while back, I _____+ past tense

A while back I watched a film called ‘Inside Out’ 


For items like films, photos, books, where there are many to choose from, you can pick a favourite.

One of my favourite _____ is

One of my favourite books isKlara and the Sun

One of my favourite films isMission Impossible


If this is a topic you don’t like you could say,

To be honest, I am not a big fan of ____, but if I have to choose one, I would like to talk about _____

To be honest, I am not a big fan of films, but if I have to choose one, I would like to talk about ‘Mission Impossible

How to keep going in IELTS Speaking Part 2

Follow the bullet points

Remember you can use the bullet points to develop your answer and you can keep talking by also doing the following;

  • Give the setting or background
  • Give details using adjectives and adverbs
  • Give examples 

For example, If you have to talk about a person, describe them (appearance and personality), what they do, how you know them, and so on.

Go with the flow

Sometimes, just speaking freely and going with the flow, without a clear structure, also works very well. Sometimes it easier to just talk more in this way.


Start small and work up.

When you are practicing, use a watch and time yourself.

At first, just try talking for 30 seconds. Then next time, try 40 seconds, and then 50. Continue like this until you can reach 2 minutes.

Remember to time yourself every time you talk.


Watch other people giving sample answers.

There are lots of videos on social media of students and teachers giving sample answers. Watch and learn from them.

Practice all these tips and phrases above and you will start to feel more confident when starting your IELTS Speaking Part 2 answers.

What do you think, do you have any more phrases or tips to share? Let us know by leaving a comment below

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  • How to answer common Part 1 questions 
  • Useful phrases to make your answers more interesting
  • Essential grammar to make your answers more accurate

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Picture of Keith O'Hare

Keith O'Hare

Trinity Dip TESOL, MSc Digital Education (UK). Helping more than 40,000 students worldwide with my online courses. A lover of languages, teaching and lasagna!

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