IELTS Speaking Lesson about The Environment
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Many students struggle with the IELTS Speaking Topic of The Environment, because they don’t have many ideas or they lack the English words to talk about this topic.
With this lesson, you will learn the key ideas you can discuss on this topic, as well as the essential and advanced vocabulary you need to talk confidently.
Table of Contents
IELTS Speaking vocabulary: The environment
Here is some useful vocabulary for this topic.
- Ecosystem (eco= environment, ecosystem is ‘an environment system’)
- Ecology (n.) = the study of the environment
- Ecological (adj.)
- Eco-friendly (adj.) = describes things that protect and look after the environment, rather than damaging it.
This fabric bag is eco-friendly
Global warming = increasing temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect of more gases (CO2, CH4) being trapped in the atmosphere.
Climate Change = similar to global warming but focus on changing climates around the world
The following are all words (countable nouns) meaning waste or things we throw away.
- waste
- rubbish (UK)
- garbage (US)
- debris
- trash (US)
- litter (UK)
- junk
- refuse
A landfill (n.) (C) = a place where rubbish is dumped and buried
People dump rubbish in the sea, on the streets, in the landfills….
Biodegradable waste = waste that naturally decomposes.
Most waste is non-biodegradable, such as plastic.
We should segregate our rubbish (to separate) into ….
The 3 Rs: Recycle – Reduce – Reuse
Greenhouse gases
- Methane (CH4)
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Find out more about greenhouse gases here
Useful collocations
Methane emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon footprints = the damage you cause to the planet by using carbon
To reduce our carbon footprint
To be carbon neutral
Learn about targets for zero carbon footprints

How we damage the environment
Deforestation = cutting down trees
Poaching = killing endangered animals illegally
Illegal dumping = putting waste into a landfill / the sea without permission
Light / Air / Noise pollution
Cars, aeroplanes…= most transportation
Overuse of nonrenewable resources (oil, gas, coal…also known as – fossil fuels)
Learn about different kinds of sustainable energy
Growing urbanisation = cities growing bigger
Sea pollution
Use of pesticides (medicine for crops)
Destruction of bees
Desertification = making land dry and like a desert, not arable, not fertile
Digital garbage
Fashion industry is coming under attack for promoting consumerism and damaging the environment
Find out more about humans impact on the environment below
How we can protect the environment
When we talk about how we can protect the environment, we can use phrases like the following:
I am careful to ______
I am careful to recycle rubbish and waste at home
I strive not to ______
I strive not to use disposable plastic, such as coffee cups in Starbucks
I endeavour to _______
I endeavour to turn off the lights in my home
I make an effort to ______
I make an effort to turn taps off when possible
I pick up discarded rubbish sometimes OR …
…From time to time
…Once in a while
…Every now and then
…At times
I like to do my bit = to play my part = to contribute
We should steer clear of….. = to avoid
We should be wary of = be careful and cautious with.
More ways to protect the planet include,
- Save energy
- Save water, by not leaving the tap running unnecessarily
- Do some volunteer work
- Run a campaign to raise awareness
- Clean up beaches
- Participate in a beach clean-up
- Reduce plastic waste
- Protect wildlife habitats

IELTS Speaking lesson: How can governments tackle this issue?
Here are different things governments around the world can do to protect the planet
Raise awareness of the need to recycle
Sensitise people to the importance of using renewable energy
Incentivise (=to motivate) people to recycle
Incentivise (=to motivate) companies to use renewable energy and sustainable energy (solar (sun), hydro (water), wind…geothermal..)
Set zero-carbon energy targets
Reduce their carbon footprint to ‘net zero’
Promote the use of electric cars – and public transport
Plant trees
Carry our research on plastic substitutes (research on biodegradable alternatives)
Set up initiatives to protect…. wildlife / natural habitats / forests / endangered species
Implement policies to protect…
Put measures in place to protect…
Impose restrictions on….
Put in place strict / stringent policies
IELTS idioms to talk about the environment
To get out of hand = to be out of control
Damage to the environment is getting out of hand, if we don’t do something soon, we will lose our planet
To be in dire straits = to be in trouble
To be in deep water = to be in trouble
The tip of the iceberg = the beginning of the problem
To weather the storm = to survive difficult times
What do you try to do to protect the environment?
Leave me a comment below to let me know.
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it was awesome
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I became a firm believer in the importance of protecting the environment recently. My way to do that is by trying to reduce the pollution coming from my side, so I strive not to use any disposable plastic and I make an effort to use public transportation rather than using my car. I endeavor to teach my kids how to care about the environment as well.
Well, obviously, the environment brings us enormous benefits such as oxygen, food, water and hobbies. Can you imagine living on Earth without oxygen, food or water? Not to mention, living in the greenery neighborhood really improves our physical and mental health. Without doubt, protecting and even loving our environment is our priority.
There are many things one can do to take part in protecting the environment. Firstly., we have to put in mind that this is an everyday task . Second, protecting the envrionment is every person’s responsibility. To begin, I strongly recommend we must at least keep our environment clean and tidy. In addition, we can plant trees and folwers everywhere because they beautfy our surrounding and make it healthier. Moreover, we can organize environmental campaigns that make people more aware of this issue. Finally. I must save energy such as water and light.
I always bring my reusable bags to the grocery stores. Some towns in my area have banned plastic bags. Now, we need to either buy reusable bags or use paper bags. I am not sure about the paper bags since we need to cut down trees to make them. I even concerned about reusable bags, many of that are made of plastic. In my opinion, the best option is the reusable bags made from natural materials such as cotton or burlaps.
Well, quite honestly i’m careful to environment and i often try to protect it by recycling plastic into other products. In addition to this, I always separate food from household waste paying attention to put it in the correct recycling bin. On top of that, I do the same for every kind of rubbish I might find out in my home. By the way, I reckon everyone should be environmental-friendly since it’s a key factor to get a sustainable world.
I agree Fabio, unfortunately, it seems we all have different priorities. Nice language, just note, I am careful WITH the environment. Well done!
For starters, I wouldn’t say that I am an example to follow regarding the whole theme of caring about the environment, mind you, I must confess that I’ve been mulling over this quite a lot in the last couple of years. I reckon that I’ve become more eco-conscious and biohazard, this was mainly brought about by a shocking documentary I once saw on a French Tv. It actually tackles the whole issue of global warming and pollution. I was literally taken aback by the whopping amount of waste and damage the world is about to combat in case people would carry on being reckless towards the environment. And come to think of it, I supposed that it’s was high time that I start to get a grip on myself. I took the plunge by starting to use all kinds of non-toxic stuff, for example, when shopping for the fresh produce I now tend to use biodegradable bags which turn to be quite convenient. And also I’m now taking on the Marie Kondo method and tips for decluttering. On top of that, I stumbled upon the coconut bowls brand which is made by nature and I’m still using its table ware which are top notch and still intact. In a nutshell, to be totally upfront, the topic of the environment is one among many that must be all the rage worldwide.
Beautiful English – love those idiomatic expressions you use. I also liked the stuff Marie Kondo does and the whole ‘declutter’ idea. Thanks for posting!
One of my hobbies is to do DIY projects. I usually reuse bottle plastic to make plant pots or decorative items. I also try to separate biodegradable rubbish from non-biodegradable rubbish. Saving water and electricity are always my priority in saving money and protecting environment.
That is a super creative way to save the environment – well done!
As much as possible, I do choose the options that will contribute to the preservation of the environment in my everyday life. I reckon that our main struggle right now is not only the huge amount of waste or garbage that we produce everyday but also the way how we manage it. Because of that, in our household, I make sure that me and my family know how to do proper segregation of our waste and garbage. It may be a simple act but if everybody will learn and start to practice it, it could make a hugeimpact.
In order to reduce the deterioration of the environment each individual should take action now. Recycling certainly is key so that the amount of rubbish in landfill and waterways can be minimized, and on top of that less natural resources will be depleted and be transported, resulting in less carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere.
Personally, I reduce nonessential journeys by car, recycle all kinds of materials such as paper, glass and plastic. What’s more I grow fields of flowers for insects, in particular for bees so that they find enough pollen and we can produce honey. I also feed local birds with sunflower seeds to keep the delicate ecosystem in balance.
I am sorry to go off the topic. Let me answer your question again. I make an effort to turn off the light when possible every single day. Besides, I am wary of using fewer plastic bags when shopping.Last but not least, I don’t use products made from endangered animals.
Well, everyday I try to do plenty of things to save our environment.firstly,I make efforts towards electricity,I turn off lights and fans whenever there is no need.Apart from this,I am really careful towards waste at my home,I try to recycle it and use it again
Lovely answer!
I am big fan of Keith
Thanx to the wonderful English teacher for useful feedback.
I’m environmentally conscious, so I thrive to do anything I can to save the environment. For example, I avoid using hazardous cleansing chemicals. As far as I concern, these chemicals can penetrate and pollute the soil, the underwater . Therefore, I’ve switched to bio-chemicals which is eco-friendly. I also turn back to single use items such as plastic food tray, noodle bowls, coffee cups and the likes. Those stuffs can’t be reused or recycled, and thereby, build up the landfills.
You are indeed very environmentally conscious Phuong – good for you. Some great language in your answer – well done!
I earnestly strive not to use polythene and plastic at home.
Well done!
I do a variety of tasks to protect the environment. Firstly, I tend to wake up early in the morning and go to bed early. So, I can use sunlight and reduce electricity. Secondly, I try to plant trees. Finally, I make an effort to turn tapes off when possible.
I love the simplicity of your answer, and actions! These little things can actually help the environment a lot. I think you mean turn off TAPS’, right?
Actually, I try to protect the environment by the three’s R; Recycle and reduce and reuse, So I recycle the rubbish and I reuse the items like using empty bottles as flowers pot and I reduce using disposable things such as, coffee cups and plastic dishes..etc.
In addition, I travel by public transport instead of car to reduce gas emissions.
Recently I’ve been trying to eat less meat in order to preserve the planet from the methane gas emissions.
Hello Keith, hope doing well. Thanks for your class and energy.
As a Anesthesia nurse working in hospital, I notice that The organisation such as hospitals don’t care about environment. For instanc, due to saving workfoces and Money, they are buying plenty of disposable surgery material and instrument and after opening and using them, we thro them away, which is not for sure good for the environment.whereas, this material are actually useable after sterilisation, due to saving money strategies,cause tones of rubish everyday.
My pleasure Kijan, thanks for your answer. yes, it is a shame about the hospitals, but I guess they are all trying to save money these days, whatever the environmental cost.
I do every possible task which is important to protect our environment. First and fore most thing which I think is the key to save environment is plantation of tree. So I try to plant more and more trees wherever I can such as in my school, in community areas as well as in my farms. Second thing which I always do deter from using plastic and other materials which has become the biggest danger to our environment. Moreover I try to make the people aware about the problems and solutions about the protection of environment.Last but not least I try to follow the 3 rules which are reuse, reducd and recycle, I find these thing stepping stone to take steps for environment protection and I use environment friendly things.
Environment and everything surrounding humankind on or niside the earth are directly affecting our life , therefore care and keeping the environment free of pollution and harmful depletion of its valuable natural resources, will destroy the peaceful and beneficial balance of the earth planet.
All people,governments,U.N. and all others organization have to unite for achieving clean and natural environment by standing together against activities that leads to global warming, co2 emission by developing the usage of green energy technology such as solar energy.
Nice answer Khaled – I like the collocation ‘destroy the balance of…” Well done!
Individual should be wary of environmental toll of plastic when using it excessively. Overpackaging of fruits and vegetables in stylofoam trays covered with plastic should be avoided in supermarkets. Use of eco-friendly products should be encouraged by government through a variety of awareness programs and initiatives.
Minimising carbon footprint should be the utmost priority.
Governments, particularly those in developing nations, should enforce stringent laws concerning emissions standards as well as encourage public transport over private vehicle in order to minimise carbon emission.
Great! Another good collocation ‘stringent laws’- well done.
Thanx a lot for your comment Keith. Your videos are commendable
Wonderful – very nice collocation ‘the utmost priority’ – love it!
Thanks Catherine
There are numerous ways to protact the environment. Firstly, being a responsible citizen, it is imperative to steer clear of plastic products such as plastic bags, cups and containers because their insensible disposal in landfill causes pollution which inturn proves to be detrimental to the environment.
Secondly, use of alternative source of energy such as, solar and wind should be encouraged as they contribute less to environmental pollution and hence protact the environment.
Great answer Sandra – I love the expression ‘steer clear of’!
Well done. Just note spelling of ‘protect’!😉
Thanx Keith for your feedback and correcting me☺️