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IELTS Speaking Lesson about Teamwork

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Teamwork is a popular topic in IELTS Speaking, but not an easy one to talk about. In this lesson you will find ideas to talk about it, essential vocabulary, advanced idioms and also a discussion about the pros and cons of teamwork.

Teamwork Examples

If you are asked in IELTS Speaking Part 2 about a time you worked in a team, here are some ideas you can talk about. 

  • Doing sports
  • Playing games with others
  • Work / school projects
  • Doing collaborative research
  • Preparing an event (a party….)
  • Doing hobbies with friends and family
  • Playing music with others

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Teamwork

Teamwork (n. Uncountable) = Working together on an activity to achieve a common goal

  • Effective teamwork
  • Good teamwork
  • To encourage teamwork

To collaborate /kəˈlæ bə reɪt/ = To work together on an activity to achieve a common goal

_____ on a project
_____ with someone

In close collaboration with someone

The students collaborated on a group project to create a presentation to
their classmates.

The sales team worked in close collaboration with the marketing

To cooperate /kəʊˈɒp ər eɪt/

_____ on a project
_____ with someone

John is on our team, but he isn’t cooperating, he just wants to do his
own thing.

To coordinate /kəʊˈɔː dɪ neɪt/ = To organise the different parts so they work effectively as a whole

___________ people
___________ activities
___________ a campaign
___________ efforts
I need to coordinate my staff so they can work more effectively.

Synergy (n. UN or C) /ˈsɪn ə dʒi/ = The combined power of a group or team, that is greater than the
power of the individual parts

The synergy between people / teams

Good _____
Powerful ____

Our team’s synergy led to an innovative solution that none of us could
have developed alone.

Team dynamics (n.) /daɪˈnæm ɪks/ = The way that individuals in a team interact with each other

The team dynamics are good, let’s not change anything for the moment.

IELTS Speaking Idioms: Teamwork

Can you guess these idioms?

Teamwork idioms


1. To work hand in hand = to work closely together

Related idioms

  • Two heads are better than one = you get better ideas with more
  • Many hands make light work (proverb) = more people make the
    work easier
  • The sky is the limit = There are no limits
  • To put your heads together = to work closely together and share

2. To pull your weight = to work as hard as others in a group, do your responsibilities.

I don’t like working with Jane, she never pulls her weight!

Related idioms

  • Dead weight = unnecessary things or people (especially in a team or project), often a liability

3. To see eye to eye = to agree I don’t always see eye to eye with my colleagues.

Related idioms

  • To be on the same page = to have the same idea (about something)
  • To be in the same boat = to be in the same situation

4. All hands on deck = Everyone in the team needs to contribute

This is a big project, we need all hands on deck


IELTS Speaking Discussion:

Pros and Cons of teamwork

What are the pros of teamwork?

  • Two heads are better than one
  • You can spread the workload
  • Brainstorm your ideas
  • Harness / leverage different people’s skills and experience
  • Team spirit can boost productivity, effectiveness and efficiency
  • Diversity of ideas
  • Combine skills
  • Source new ideas

What are the cons of teamwork?

  • You need to compromise
  • You have to put up with dead weight
  • Conflict, disputes, mistrust
  • Waste time
  • Don’t always see eye to eye
  • People may be on a different bandwidth/wavelength
  • Personality clashes
  • Some people may dominate, manipulate others
  • Miss out on ideas from shy people
  • There are always ‘free loaders’ (people who don’t contribute)
  • Some members don’t pull their weight (contribution)
  • Go off track, lack of direction

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