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This One Thing is Killing Your IELTS Speaking Score

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When it comes to IELTS Speaking, there is one mistake you are probably making and it’s killing your IELTS speaking score.

Let’s find out what it is and how you can fix it

Common mistakes in IELTS Speaking

There are lots things you shouldn’t do when preparing for IELTS speaking including the following;

  • Don’t write out your answer first, and then try to memorise it.
  • Don’t try to use complex vocabulary you don’t really understand.
  • Don’t use slang and try to sound cool.
  • Don’t speak like a book.
  • Don’t speak like a robot.

If you write out your answer, it won’t sound like natural spoken English.

If you memorise it, the examiner will know and mark you down.

If you use vocabulary way above your level, you’ll make more mistakes and it will have a negative effect.

If you use slang, the examiner may not understand you.

So, avoid these common mistakes in IELTS Speaking.

Don’t forget, your goal is to use natural conversational English.

But there’s one more thing.

A really important thing that few teachers talk about, and it can kill your IELTS speaking score.


The big mistake in IELTS Speaking

The big mistake many students make which can kill your IELTS speaking score is having the wrong mindset.

The reality is many students have negative thoughts, like the following:

  • I am no good at English
  • I am going to forget the words I’ve learnt
  • What if I freeze?
  • I am so nervous
  • I am not ready
  • IELTS is a headache
  • I just want to this to finish

This is not surprising, as IELTS is a high stakes test and produces a lot of stress.

The problem is that this mindset and these negative thoughts will not only bad impact on your study but also on your performance in the IELTS speaking test.

The good news is, you can fix this.

Your mindset when preparing for IELTS

When preparing for IELTS, work on your mindset.

Change the negative thoughts like the ones above into positive ones like the ones below.

And the important thing is to practice these thoughts one minute every day. 

Negative ThoughtsPositive Thoughts
I am no good at English.My English is where it is, I accept it.
I will forget the words I learntI will focus on communication not vocabulary
What if I freeze?What if I speak fluently?
I am not readyI am ready enough
IELTS is a headacheIELTS is fun
I just want to this to finishI am going to enjoy the test.

From my own personal experience, I know this works for me.

For example, if I’m going to the dentist or on my way to give a speech or presentation, I work on my mindset.

I think,

I am where I am. I’m ready enough. I’m going to enjoy this.

What more we know from research that enjoyment increases performance in education.

Your mindset on your IELTS test day

So here is my advice.

  • Take time to focus on the morning of the test.
  • Say to yourself – ‘I am going to enjoy the test’
  • Whatever happens, come what may, you will do your best at that moment, and you cannot do more than that.

What’s more during the speaking test, remember to do the following,

  • Control your speed
  • Focus communication more than vocabulary
  • Speak naturally
  • Relax
  • Breathe
  • Smile

Having this positive mindset will change your energy and the examiner’s energy and should help improve your performance.

Remember mindset is something you control, nobody else. Whatever happens you can control your thoughts. You just need to practice doing it. 

Good luck and enjoy your study and your test!


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Picture of Keith O'Hare

Keith O'Hare

Trinity Dip TESOL, MSc Digital Education (UK). Helping more than 40,000 students worldwide with my online courses. A lover of languages, teaching and lasagna!

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